Raha Village facilities are operating 365 days per year, we have a lot of food waste. The ORCA technology fits perfectly with our operation as it can eliminate all the food waste at source. Before we were collecting the food waste into garbage bins and then to a...
By using the ORCA technology we were capable of cutting around 30% of our cost. From the ORCA portal we get all the information about our food waste and the impact we made on the environment through turning all the food waste into earth friendly...
The team are professional and regarding sustainability tasks they carry it without any delays or headaches. SOZO usually makes sure their client is in safe hands and nothing to worry about. I recommend SOZO to the clients that are seeking less hustle and fast track in...
The team is very friendly and always there to support whenever needed. We worked with SOZO consultants on several projects, and they fulfilled their tasks in a professional and practical way. I would recommend SOZO to anyone seeking sustainability consultancy or...
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